And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; 并且被建造在使徒和先知的根基上,有基督耶稣自己为房角石。
Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; 地的根基安置在何处。地的角石是谁安放的。
Suddenly he had turned the corner by the stone shelter. 突然,他拐到石头后面一块隐蔽的地方。
The markers, known as Quick Response or QR codes, look like a combination of a barcode and Rorschach blot and are attached to the back corner of the stone. 这个数字条码叫做二维码,看起来就像是条形码和罗夏墨迹的结合,被设置在碑石的角落里。
Of the three, human understanding and harmony is the corner stone of Chengdu as the happiest city. 其中,最佳的包容性与和谐的人情味是成都之所以成为最具幸福感城市的重点。
The root of the big tree trends to edge away the corner stone. 这棵大树的根可能会把墙角石顶走。
The third building block of this construction, the corner stone, was the legal framework including copyright, which insured the solidity of the rest of the construction. 这项建设工程的第三个组成部分,即基石,是确保这一建设工程其余部分一致性的法律框架,包括版权。
"Privity of contract" ( called "privity of debt" in civil law system) is the corner stone of contract rule and system, which underlies wide recognition and respect of "autonomy" and "freedom of contract". 合同相对性原则(大陆法称其为债的相对性原则)是合同规则、合同制度的基石。
It will be remembered as Earth's corner stone. 将成为地球的基石。
In1994 the corner stone to the "Ilana Goor Museum" in Old Jaffa, Israel was set. 在1994年的基石的“格拉芙古尔博物馆”老雅法,以色列成立。
He went to a corner of his dungeon, detached a stone, and with it knocked against the wall where the sound came. 他走到地牢的一角,挖下一块因受潮而松动的石片,拿来敲击那墙壁上声音听得最清楚的地方。
One thing is for sure, a Chinese director and his crew, along with a group of topnotch Chinese actors have taken one of the corner stone genres in Chinese cinema into the heart of another culture. 有一点可以肯定的是,一位中国导演和他的一班人马及一批一流的中国演员,已成功地把中国电影中最为基础的一类打入另一种文化了。
Listed companies are a corner stone for the development of the capital market. 上市公司是资本市场发展的基石。
Upon what are its bases grounded? or who laid the corner stone thereof. 地的基础置在何处,是谁立了地的角石?
Jesus is a corner stone of the Christian faith. 耶稣是教会的房角石。
"Effective deterrence" is a corner stone in the Republic of China's ( ROC's) military strategy. 是我国军事战略的基石之一。
"Doctrine of privity of contract" has been the unshakable credendum of the classical contract law and has been treated as the corner stone of contract rule and system. 历史上,合同相对性原则曾经作为古典契约法的一个不可动摇的信条,被称为是合同法体系构建的第一块基石。
The first twenty years in the 21st Century is the strategic period for China to fulfill the Well-being society at all levels, and it is also an important corner stone for Chinese industrialization and modernization. 新世纪头二十年是我们国家全面实现小康社会的重要战略机遇期,也是我们国家完成工业化,实现现代化的重要关头。
Academic freedom is the corner& stone in higher education. 学术自由是高等教育学中的基石。
China's modernization has changed traditional Chinese family structure, which leads to the deviation of ethical education in family and thus the shaking of the corner stone for people's morality. 中国现代化的进程,导致中国传统家庭结构发生变化。
Education is indeed the corner stone for the healthy and sustainable development of a nation. 教育是国家民族发展进步的基石。
Ever since the concept of sovereignty has been defined, for the past hundreds of years, this principle has been the corner stone of the modern international legal system. 自国家主权这个概念提出以来,经过几百年的发展,主权原则已经成为现代国际法体系中的最重要的原则之一。
We consider that economics of scale is the corner stone for development and chain operation is the shortcut to reach success. 本文认为,规模经济是传统百货企业壮大和获取竞争优势的基础,而连锁经营则是达到规模经济的有效途径。
Ruling by law involve meaningful concepts, as a kind of implement, it is the corner stone of constructing socialist harmonious society. 法治是一个多义的概念,作为工具性价值,是建设社会主义和谐社会的基石。
Through integrative efforts, it can help the enterprise to create great value at the lowest cost and will become the corner stone of optimum strategy. 通过综合努力,可以帮助企业按最低的成本创造价值,并将成为企业优势战略的奠基石。
Philological Tradition is the corner stone of studying Chinese grammar; 小学传统是汉语语法研究的根基所在;
Risk control is a corner stone of modern micro-finance and also one of the core functions of modern commercial banks, thus having a vital significance in the management of commercial bank. 风险管理是现代微观金融学的一大支柱,也是现代商业银行的核心功能之一,因此,在商业银行管理中具有极其重要的地位。
Web services are a new distributed technology that enables software systems developed in multiple languages or platform environments to seamlessly interact with each other through the Internet. It is also the corner stone in the Service Oriented Architecture due to its loose-coupling feature. Web服务是实现Internet环境中跨平台、跨语言和松散耦合的分布式计算技术,也是面向服务架构中的关键技术之一。
"Education is the corner stone of human progress." With the social development, the cultivation of knowledgeable personnel has been uplifted to the most important position in human development, granting education an unprecedentedly high status. 随着社会的进步,知识、人才的培养上升到了人类社会发展的首要位置,教育作为培养人的社会实践活动,也将达到一个前所未有的高度。
Vocabulary learning is the corner stone of language learning. The importance of vocabulary learning has been recognized by language learners, and has received more and more attention of the language teachers and linguists. 词汇是语言的基础,在外语学习中词汇学习的重要性现已不仅为外语学习者所认可,而且也引起语言学家和外语教师越来越多的关注。